Tuesday, November 13, 2012


I had to write this one down...
We went to the park this morning and played. The boys are enjoying the cooler weather and we had a fun time exploring a new play set.
When we were leaving Logan picked up a pine cone and asked to take it home. I said sure and we went to the car. We made a stop at the grocery store and he left it in the car while we shopped. When we made it back to the van and I was putting him in his carseat I said "Oh, here's your pine cone!" And Logan said " Oh, yeah." And then put it up to his ear and says "Hi Grandma, hi".
I smiled so big and said "Buddy it's Pine Cone not Pine phone."
Love it!

Friday, September 14, 2012

French Toast Friday

The boys and I have started a new Friday tradition. French toast for breakfast! It seems a little silly but it helps us kick off the weekend. Weekends have become even more special for us with Keith traveling most of the week.
I enjoy having little special traditions of our own. Keeps the everyday things more fun!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Everett's first haircut!

On Monday, September 3rd, Everett had his first haircut! He did such a good job! He laughed, danced and wasn't concerned at all. Logan got a haircut too and laughed at Everett in the chair, it was cute. Plus, Logan got to have his first lollipop! And after everything was done Everett thought he'd help out and sweep the floor. Ha!


After dinner

Some evening feel magical. The boys and I had an early dinner so we went outside to play for awhile. We went for a walk in the neighborhood and they both walked almost entire time! Logan ran ahead and then would run back to walk with his brother. He stopped and would say "Hold Mommy's hand to cross the street."  Then they decided they needed some water and relaxed in the stroller while we cruised home.  To cool down we had watermelon and chatted with Daddy. There were giggles, rosie cheeks and happy babies. What more could you ask for on a warm Thursday evening.

Sweet dreams

This happened yesterday. And my heart melted. 

Homemade Cookies

 Logan made his first batch of cookies a few weeks ago! I thought he might be interested but I wasn't sure for how long. He loved the whole process! We talked about the different ingredients, the measurements, stirring and the baking. Logan was wonderful at helping. More cookie in our future! 

Friday, August 24, 2012

Me, Myself & I

Ok, it seems odd to post a picture of me in the dressing room but... I wanted to mark down the day I fit into jeans and felt awesome!  I have been exercising everyday, how could I not with 2 toddlers around, and making healthy food choices.I didn't know it was going to be so rewarding to buy new jeans!
I saw Old Navy was having a jean sale this week. So, while we were out and the boys were napping in the car I decided to run in and try on a pair. I took in a few pairs and never thought it would go so smooth.
I wrote this to remind myself how good I feel when I exercise and take care of myself. As a Mom your instinct is to take care of everyone else but there is nothing wrong with making time to take care of yourself. I have learned that taking care of myself has made me a happier more energetic patient person.